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Supported Hardware

We have partnered with the most innovative leaders in the industry to help businesses get the best results.

Smart Devices



PAX A920

PAX E500

PAX E600

PAX E700

PAX E800

All-in-One Devices and Tablets

  • Any modern Android tablet (recommend >10″)
  • Amazon Fire Tablet
  • Android 15.6” All in One Terminal
  • ELO 15″ Touchscreen
  • Any Windows device (recommend minimum 1920 x 1080 resolution but not required)
  • iPad

Kitchen Printers

Star Micronics TSP 654ii (thermal)

Star Micronics SP742 ML or ME (ethernet, impact model)

Label Printers

Brother QL-700

Brother QL-800

Receipt Printers

Star Micronics MC-Print2

Star Micronics MC-Print3

Star Micronics TSP654II

Star Micronics TSP654II WEBPRNT

Payment Devices

PAX D200

PAX D210

PAX D220

PAX PX5 Multi-lane Terminal

PAX PX7 Multi-lane Terminal

PAX S300

PAX S500

Hardware Partners